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My ‘extremist’ views

Published: Monday, April 27, 2009

Updated: Monday, April 27, 2009 06:04

Blase Hennesy

In this, my last column of the academic year, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for my readers. Thank you for indulging me every other week by reading what I had to write and spending some time thinking about issues I brought to your attention. I would also like to express that I hope to be able to continue writing next year. Sadly, the continuation of this column is now out of my hands, for, it appears I'm on a list.

As I'm sure you've read, the Department of Homeland Security, under the leadership of Janet Napolitano, released a document entitled, "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment," which was provided to update various law enforcement agencies on the most pressing threats of terrorism against this country. While reading the document, I couldn't help but worry, falling as I do into so many of the listed categories that Napolitano feels are red flags for a potential home-grown terrorist.

I believe that an armed society is a polite society, and that restrictions placed on gun ownership will only hinder law-abiding citizens who go about purchasing firearms legally. The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives citizens of this country the "right … to keep and bear Arms," and I don't think President Barack Obama's administration has any right to modify or limit that. Unfortunately for me, Napolitano believes that dangerous line of thinking makes me a potential right-wing extremist.

I oppose lax immigration. The influx of illegal aliens financially strains our health care system, our social welfare programs and takes jobs away from Americans who are suffering from a tragically increasing unemployment rate. I applaud those immigrants who apply for citizenship legally, and wish to become legitimate members of our great country. However, I am especially worried about our porous Southern border with the chance that the increasing drug-related violence might spill over into America. In case you're wondering, "Mexican Drug Gang Members," did not make Napolitano's list of potential terrorist threats. However, my views on the issue place me, once again, into the suspect category.

Miss California, Carrie Prejean and I don't believe that the government should recognize gay "marriage." When asked about the issue at the Miss America Pageant, Prejean stated, "… you know what, I think in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised." Good for you, Miss California, in standing up for your beliefs, as well as for the opinion of the majority of your state (as evidenced in the last election). Unfortunately, our conservative views on the subject put Miss California and me on Napolitano's list.

I wouldn't say I have a "paranoia" of foreign regimes, per se, but I like to think that I have a healthy fear of nations that wouldn't mind seeing us wiped off the map. Though, I suppose I could try and learn from our newly elected Democratic leadership's strategy of "ignorance is bliss." Whether it's President Barack Obama sharing a few laughs with Hugo Chavez, or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton smiling through 50 minutes of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega bemoaning a century of terroristic U.S. aggression, it appears as though our new foreign policy is to pretend problems simply don't exist. When asked about the Ortega speech, Clinton responded, (and please be assured that I am not making this up) "I thought the cultural performance was fascinating." When asked a second time, Clinton responded, "To have those first-class Caribbean entertainers all on one stage and to see how much was done in such a small amount of space, I was overwhelmed." (Again, those are actual quotes.) When asked what he thought about Ortega's speech, our dear leader President Obama responded, "It was 50 minutes long. That's what I thought." And so, unlike our country's leadership, believing that perhaps we should be wary of these and other countries, I again have found myself on Napolitano's list.

And so readers, I hope to write for you again next year. But, if Napolitano does a Google search for "Blase Hennessy," and reads about my "extremist" views, there's a good chance I'll be sent to Guantanamo Bay. Being ever an optimist, I take comfort in the fact that Carrie Prejean might be there with me.

— Blase Hennessy is an IC Columnist and a second-year medical student.

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Sat May 23 2009 17:05
"I'm just curious if it has anything to do with the fact that BOTH cities have had liberal mayors and administrations since 1990."

I would say no, because most major cities on the west and east coasts have liberal mayors and liberal administrations, and if you ask me, tend to be quite successful economically. Unless the ulterior motive of your "curiosity" was to gloat in some sort of ideological triumph ...

Your name
Fri May 1 2009 13:26
actually i doubt America leads the world in drug smuggling...forget that
Fri May 1 2009 13:25
Americans actually lead the WORLD in those categories, previous unnamed poster. Of course illegal immigrants kill people, so do legal immigrants, and so do Americans. Your comment really doesn't prove a point. As for wiretapping, NSA has gone on record and said they monitor any overseas call that has the "characteristics" of a terrorist's call. He stated that "talking under 5 minutes" was a redflag...which I find outrageous because everyone wants their overseas calls to be under 5 minutes...they get expensive!

The document you are referring to, which I have read myself, came from a sociological perspective, as opposed to an idealist one. The article wasn't stating rules (or exceptions to rules), it was commenting on the likelihood of where domestic terror would come from. And I agree with should not have been released the way it was. But, lest we forget, most of the terrorists attacks in America HAVE been from Americans who would be characterized in some aspects by the report: The Weathermen, the Unabomber, Tim McVeigh, the KKK, Black Militants, Centennial Olympic name a few.

Your name
Tue Apr 28 2009 10:00
"Illegal aliens do the jobs that nobody else in America will do"
-Like drug smuggling, murder, and rape?

"And you think you have it bad because the Department of Homeland Security put you on a list despite the wire tapping and complete violation of innocent americans rights that George W. Bush used in the PATRIOT Act?"
-Which innocent Americans? You mean the foreign nationals that made overseas communications?

You must have a list of names, not just something you read off of a blog.

Lil Wayne and Tpain
Mon Apr 27 2009 16:04
Blase, the browns are going to win the super bowl this year. The chinese have colonized mars, and president Obama is Big foot.
Your name
Mon Apr 27 2009 13:24
"just stating the facts and what is going on and not persuading others with their opinions without being educated on the issues."

Repeating what he reads on right wing blogs or hears from Rush is presenting facts? His sources are uneducated opinions. He is doing exactly what you are critical of others for doing. Certainly Rush is not presenting facts but is giving opinions most often completely uneducated ones. Just believe you agree or believe with what he is saying does not make those facts correct or educated or as you would call it "not persuading others with their opinions without being educated on the issues."

Mon Apr 27 2009 12:10
Haha, I'd like to thank Ward for demonstrating the type of civility and good manners that the left likes to bring to any and all discussions where they feel the least bit inconvenienced or threatened. Maybe you need some anger management classes before you go posting on serious issues bud. But seriously, if you can't express your opinion with civility, honesty, and by using facts and logical arguments... don't post. If you need to vent your rage, that's what the rec center is for.
Your name
Mon Apr 27 2009 12:09
Blase you are not a terrorist, you are a right wing idiot. On immigration you said "the influx of illegal aliens financially strains our health care system, our social welfare programs and takes jobs away from americans". O know, this summer i wont be able to work as a vegetable picker for $3 an hour because an illegal took my job. Illegal aliens do the jobs that nobody else in America will do, and they do these jobs for very low wages. And you think you have it bad because the Department of Homeland Security put you on a list despite the wire tapping and complete violation of innocent americans rights that George W. Bush used in the PATRIOT Act?
Your name
Mon Apr 27 2009 11:43
Good article Blase. One of the few articles/writer that I have seen in the Collegian that attempt to keep the paper balanced by just stating the facts and what is going on and not persuading others with their opinions without being educated on the issues. Thanks!
Mon Apr 27 2009 11:06
We will all miss Blase who so easily can write all that he has read on right wing blogs, websites or heard from Rush. Not so fresh and enlighting to stimulate our brains.
Mon Apr 27 2009 10:09
Hey, don't worry Blake. Thanks to "liberal" President Obama, Guantanamo will be closed before that happens.
Cynthia (Texas)
Mon Apr 27 2009 09:56
I love your writing. Hopefully, you'll be on again next year to stimulate brains.
Mon Apr 27 2009 09:53
Blase, great straight forward article. Loved it and love how basically stating the obvious makes goofballs like "Ward" blow the top on his little teapot. This doesn't have really anything to do with your article......I'm just wondering if this is a coincidence.....Toledo and Cleveland, we all can agree are robust and thriving (cough). I'm just curious if it has anything to do with the fact that BOTH cities have had liberal mayors and administrations since 1990.
Mon Apr 27 2009 09:13
The only list you are on is The Twit List. Along with Shawn. What paranoid neocon slop you write. You now promise your waterboarding will stop, but I doubt this is the last bucketful of swill we be forced to swallow when plowing through future "Independent" Collegians, searching for balance. There are too many other dittohead trigger-happy Young Republicans and ROTC recruits anxious to spout off and empty their memory clips against peace-loving liberals and innocents abroad. So yes, it is at last farewell! Now blast off Blase to some private gunnery range to play war games. Don't forget your paint balls, your night scope and your palinesque Carrie Preteen.
Mon Apr 27 2009 08:13
Great article. Can I assume you have a cabin in the hills with plenty of food, guns, ammunition to hide out over the summer? Stay safe, there are more of us out there than they think.

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